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Wed, 30 January 2002

Home Alone V - The Morning Fog

Good Morning 'all. I left Tamar's house at around 07:20, and lo and behold you couldn't see streets ending 50m away from you. The Morning Fog. This got me thinking. This morning fog is great. First of all, there's this aura of mystery and coolness on the city, minutes before the harsh desert sun vaporizes all such hopes and illusions. Imagine you could have morning fog in your houses and beds when you wake up (No contact lens cracks please) - Everything around you is softer, like a vaseline smudged camera lens. You can't see the sand on the floor which you dragged in by mistake, You can't see the quarrel of last night, you can't see all those tiny flaws which you hate seeing every morning. Viva le fog!

A Note about the movie Armageddon:
I saw it in Rav-Chen 1, the huge cinema, with a packed audience. And unlike other action movies I happened to see there (StarTroopers, ID4) the crowd didn't cheer and didn't whoop. It was amazing. There was chatter, but no whooping. People took this movie seriously. I started wondering why. The only explanation I could figure, is that the heroes are not super-heroes. Not ruining the plot - NASA takes a group of roughneck, redneck, oil-drillers on a scary mission to save earth. Of course some of them die, but the thing is, that they're everyday people. They're not these clean-cut close-shaved astronauts. On the contrary, they mock 'The military Guys', They're fat, They're rude, They're horny, and most of all, they hate the Gov't. So maybe the reason the normally noisy people in the audience sat still becuase they were thinking "That could be me up there", thus spending their time living the experience in the film, and not just waiting for another scene in which Will Smith hits an alien and gives a snappy one-liner.

Excellent day to all of us. By the time I finished writing this, the fog has lifted. Welcome back to the frying pan.


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