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Wed, 30 January 2002

Home Alone IX - Praise Allah

A Fine morning to you all. First I would like to tell you that I am writing this to you on my new ergonomic keyboard (The new Microsoft ones, with the keys split into two segments, which allows you to really type blindly), so I apologize for any spelling mistakes. In the Radio, Razi Barkai is talking with this meteorologist about the weather in TA (30 degrees, 75% Humisidy) and asked her when will it change. She said - well, this will last all summer, give or take a degree. So he told her to look at the synoptic map and tell him where the most pleasent place to be is in the world. She hesitated for a minute and then said - Europe. Definately Europe.

Once again I've tried this waking up early thing (For two days in a row, I've been here before 08:00!). And I'm kinda getting the hang of it. Allthough the first 10 minutes of waking up (at 07:00) are horrid, once you get past that and exit the shower - You're a new man. TA is really different in these hours. All foggy (already wrote about that). There are actually strong winds soaring through the rather empty streets. The problem is that people don't smile at these hours. They just drudge their feet or their cars on their work to someplace important. Nobody just walks around at 07:30. And no babes are awake at these hours. Bummer.

Anyway, For all of you beloved ones, sampling kewl whether, kewl places and whatever - have a neat day. The rest of you - I'll see you tonight at 20:00 - HA(tm)


Last Episode of Seinfeld last night. It actually gets better and better each time you see it.

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