Never published, never will be.
Go Straight to Jail...
(Sep '98). A short story.
The Home Alone Series
(Jul '98). A series of 11 e-mails written when my friends left me alone in Tel-Aviv.
Dicussions with the Devil
, Originally written as an E-mail letter to my friends after a weird phone call.
Close Encounters with the Devil
, A continuation of Discussions with the Devil, and was also originally written as an E-mail.
The Unwilling Confidant
, The last of the E-mail Trilogy. Another dialougue with a member of the female species.
. (Oct '97). A song written lately.
. (Oct '97). A song written lately.
April '97
. A piece inspired by "Bluz lahofesh hagadol"
Che Guevara
. A dedicated page.
William Gibson
. A dedicated page.
Bachelor Party
. A poem written by Yotam Hadas after my bachelor party.
NJ 07891
. A piece written by my sister Michal.
. A short work I've written about my experiences in
The views expressed within this site pretty much represent those of the author.
Copyright 1997-2003
Yariv Zur