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Wed, 30 January 2002

Home Alone XI - A Commemorative list

Hiya all. Sweating my way along midtown TA this morning (Friday) I realized I was looking at a lot of things for the last time untill I return from Miluim, In a month or so. So I compiled a short list of all the things here (as opposed to distant Prague or fantasy NYC) which I will miss this month:
  • Efrat Fortis in a summer dress preparing me a chilly milkshake.
  • The extra cold air conditioning in Super-Zeus
  • Buying a CD in Super-Zeus and hoping for the zillionth time that one of the tres hip cashiers will commend me for my taste.
  • The Ice Cappuchino at Espresso Bar
  • The Falafel at frishman.
  • Roaming through books at Steimazky and not finding what you want.
  • The smell of crepe near Dizengoff sq.
  • The Babes at Ta'anug.
  • Coming home and diving into a steaming shower.
  • Meeting too many people you know in the street between baccio and Dizengoff Center.

    That's about it. Sort of like the hate-list, but the opposite.
    Have a lovely (to be pronounced luvely) friday night, and remember - it's those little things that keep us going.

    Whoop there it is! Whoop there it is!

    Yariv. Melting away, and enjoying every minute of it.

    P.S. Guy, Talked to your sistah last night, and as J.L & P.M put it: "It's getting better all the ti-i-i-i-me."

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